Here, a worker at Seagate talks about how, using ILO's activity-based learning (ABL) tools, they developed problem solving skills and how to be a more proactive team member.
Using ABL tools for soft skills, Seagate introduced soft skills training to thousands of staff across Thailand. The results were impressive.
A manager talks about how his life got easier after the ILO soft skills training, and how his workplace relations were impacted.
Here, we see how a trade union, working with the ILO, supported traditional craftspeople in Thailand.
Small businesses in Vang Vieng, Laos get support using ILO's activity-based tools on the basics of management.
A C-BED participant from a rural community talks about the impact of the training on their small business - the farm.
This farmer also benefitted from the bookkeeping and how to assess costs for innovation.
Community-Based Enterprise Devleopment (C-BED) has been run with a variety of governments and NGOs across SE Asia.
A number of C-BED participants talk about what they learned and the impact this had on their businesses.
The Our.Coop family of tools, also based on activity-based training, have been run in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Arab States.
FIT is an empowering, factory-based facility upgrading approach, covering dozens of topics - from labour practices to production improvement to environmental practices.
Small Business Competititveness is an ILO family of tools for helping tourism SMEs consider their services and how they can improve operations and be more competitive